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Ecobuild 2017 - Only Five Days to Go!!

RM PressFit
  • March 2, 2015
Eco Build
RM PressFitting
We are delighted to announce that IPS Flow Systems has been appointed the UK Distributor for the RM Pressfit System, manufactured by Raccorderie Metalliche of Mantova, Italy.
Pressfitfittings are an established and cost effective way to install piping systems easily. With no threading, welding, or soldering to be done, the system provides tight, leak free joints using a simple, portable press tool.

There are a number of options available depending on specific applications, but initially the most popular systems in Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel will be held in stock

We will be joining Raccorderie Metalliche to formally launch the system at ECOBuild 2015  being held at  London Excel from 3rd – 5th March, and would like to invite you to join us. Come and see what we can offer you on Stand N5130. The show is open from 10.00am to 6.00 pm Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th, and 10.00am to 4.00 pm on Thursday 5th .
We look forward to seeing you.
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