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IPS Blog

Celebrating Our Alcumus SafeSupplier Accreditation

We are thrilled to announce that IPS Flow Systems has been awarded the prestigious Alcumus SafeSupplier accreditation! This achievement marks a significant milestone in our journey, 

IPS SafeSupplier Verification BH-3

C is for ... Compressed Air

Compressed Air Plastic compressed air piping will not corrode and gives better flow rates. Corrosion & scaling are...

B is for... Business Development

Business Development we have business development managers in all regions of the UK & Ireland. The guys can be on hand...

A is for.. Agru

AGRU The Plastic Experts High-quality products made from engineering plastics Agru Kunststofftechnik Gesellschaft...


Flashback February What a year! Last February we fulfilled an order with the help of our friends at Kessel. The order...

Going Swimmingly - SYLMASTA

The swimming pool filtration system repair which helped to keep a Welsh leisure centre’s head above water When a...

AGRU Plastic technology GmbH - HYDROCLICK system

AGRU HYDROCLICK LINING FOR POTABLE WATER TANKS Renovation of drinking water tanks In the Salzburg municipality of Zell...

RacMet - Product Line Placer

Free To Use App The free Raccorderie Metalliche Product Line Placer App for Revit makes it easy to design piping...

Repairing the unrepairable - SYLMASTA

Repair a burst 400mm carbon steel underground water main – Sylmasta devise a live leak repair method for a burst...

VIP Seal Couplings

This week we have had in house training via ZOOM with our friends at VIP Polymers on their VIPseal Products All of our...


Be Prepared When contractors carrying out upgrades at a Wastewater Treatment Works cut through a pressurised 450mm...

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