IPS Blog

How to Guides (3)

Metacaulk 150+ Firestopping - For Peace Of Mind

Introducing Metacaulk 150+ Firestopping Characteristics & Features VOC compliant Water based Excellent freeze-thaw...

And the winner is... IPS Flow Systems

Winner Kevin Curran, Managing Director IPS Flow Systems with two awards 2018 was a fantastic year for IPS Flow Systems...

Raccorderie Metalliche (Racmet) launch of BIM - Are You Ready?

RM Celebrate 20 Years of Press Fittings with the Launch of BIM This year Raccorderie Metalliche (RM) will celebrate 20...

IPS Join the Great British Spring Clean - Will You?

Job Well Done! Andrew Lamb Business Development Director with two volunteers IPS have encouraged staff to get involved...

New Year - Great Deal on IPS 719 PVC Cement & Accessories

Ten Year Challenge For more information or to place an order please contact our sales office on 0191 5213111 or email...

Happy New Year !!

Together We Can! The Directors & Staff at IPS would like to wish all our customers and suppliers a Happy & Prosperous...

2018 - Wow! What A Year its Been! Roll On 2019!

2018 - Wow! What a year it's been - Roll on 2019 It doesn't seem two minutes since we said hello to 2018, but what a...

IPS Alzheimers Elf Day

There's some things you don't expect to see at work! Well done IPS Elves - Now off to the gym!! Well done Steve: Now...

Purple is the New Black - Find Out More

Well its out! This years #Black Friday is going to be different - Why ? Because IPS are changing it to PURPLE We've...

UKCW Focus - Fatburgs, A UK problem that could be a thing of the past!

The main feature on the IPS/Kessel stand @ #ukconstructionweek will be KESSEL Grease Separators suitable for both...

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