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IPS Blog

In the News (2)

E is for... EN1825

EN1825 This refers to the European design standards for grease traps. A grease trap under European design criteria is...


Flashback February What a year! Last February we fulfilled an order with the help of our friends at Kessel. The order...

AGRU Plastic technology GmbH - HYDROCLICK system

AGRU HYDROCLICK LINING FOR POTABLE WATER TANKS Renovation of drinking water tanks In the Salzburg municipality of Zell...

Fatberg - The Hidden Menace

The accumulation of Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) in a drainage system creates problems for commercial kitchens, food...

Remembering with Love & Gratitude

On Tuesday 28th 2020, all our colleagues at IPS will join the nation in one minutes silence to remember and honour all...

IPS Celebrate Spears 50 Years and 4th July

Spears are 50! Recently we told you that a number of years ago staff at IPS decided to pose for a picture to celebrate...

Flash back Friday - Spears Manufacturing, 50 Years of Excellence

Bet you can't wait to see how we turned out! A number of years ago (I'll leave you all to try and work out how many)...

Firex Focus - FlameGuard CPVC Compatible Firestopping, Metacaulk 150+

Introducing Metacaulk 150+ Firestopping Metacaulk 150+ is a one component, general purpose fire rated sealant, acoustic...

Firex Focus - Spears TorqueSafe Fittings, For Peace of Mind

Spears Manufacturing have developed a reputation for innovation and quality and this is very true of their TorqueSafe...

Firex Focus - FlameGuard GripLoc Fittings

Spears FlameGuard GripLock fittings provide an ideal solution for repairs to CPVC Fire Sprinkler Systems.

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