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IPS Blog

In the News (4)

Purple is the New Black - Find Out More

Well its out! This years #Black Friday is going to be different - Why ? Because IPS are changing it to PURPLE We've...

UKCW Focus - Fatburgs, A UK problem that could be a thing of the past!

The main feature on the IPS/Kessel stand @ #ukconstructionweek will be KESSEL Grease Separators suitable for both...

UKCW Focus - Kessel Project Drains

Drains With Health and Safety In Mind KESSEL project drains Ecoguss and Practicus are particularly suitable for the...

What is back water?

You can avoid this! What is back water? The Basics - Internal flooding caused by blocked or over charged sewers is how...

THIS Part Of Managing The Weather Just Got A Lot More Predictable

Predicting the Weather The weather has always been unpredictable. Even before Michael Fish’s now infamous inability to...

IPS – Our Company’s Company – A Closer Look

Some say that a man is judged by the company he keeps. Well, just for the record, here at IPS we're totally comfortable...

KESSEL Grease Separators - underground and overground

Just like the wombles (if you're under 40 you probably won't know who the wombles are!) at IPS we stock KESSEL Grease...

We're on our way

Seven Rides Under his Belt We at IPS are so proud of our very own Sales Development Director Andrew Lamb enroute to...

AGRU - PE100-RC Setting the Standard

PE 100-RC Pipe and Fittings Agru continue to lead the world in the production of high-quality piping systems,...

IPS & Kessel - All Ready at The Pump Centre Conference.

IPS and Kessel at the Pump Centre Conference Our guys have been working hard and are ready to welcome delegates to the...

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