What is Flowatch?
The FloWatch 9251 is a sprinkler monitoring control system suitable for monitoring installations in accordance with BS9251 containing multiple inputs. Common Applications include High Rise Blocks of Apartments with Flow Switches on each Floor requiring linking to a central alarm. The FloWatch 9251 will monitor the Flow Switches/Monitored Isolation Valves and when there is activation will sound an audible alarm. An alarm will display on screen the description of the input that has been activated. Inputs can be addressed completely bespoke to each site via our intuitive windows based install setup programme. Suitable For Systems With 1 to 132 Flow Switches or Monitored Isolation Valves For Systems With 1 - 4 Flow Switches/Monitored Isolation Valves
Flowatch - Expansion Module
Each Expansion Module:
- Monitors up to 4 or 8 additional flow switches
- Has LED indicators on the front to confirm status of each flow switch during installation
- Has volt-free wiring
- Addressable via dip switches
- Compact design - Suitable for installation in riser cupboard
Features Include:
- Monitors up to 132 flow switches or monitored isolation valves with the addition of 16No. expansion modules
- Audible alarm on activation of a flow switch
- Clearly identifies location of flow switch that has been activated
- Monitors pump (if installed) and alerts building occupants if a fault with the pump occurs
- Monitors cold water tank (if installed) for low water content and alerts building occupants if the water supply is low
- Can be interfaced with building fire alarm system if required
- Can be accessed remotely from PC / smart phone to see status of sprinkler system
- Sprinkler system can be connected to a remote monitoring system which will prompt a site visit in the event that a fault occurs
- MODBUS Compatible via RS485 for interface with building management systems (BMS)